What is C language? - TGN


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Sunday, November 24, 2019

What is C language?

what is C language ?

  • C is a general-purpose programming language.
  •  It has been closely associated with the UNIX system where it was developed, since both the system and most of the programs that run on it are written in C
  •  C language was developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1972 at bell laboratories. C is a type full language. C language provides many data types.
  • C was a very short and simple language. Therefore, in a short time it became very popular and other computer scientists started using it as well.
  • There is no decrease in the popularity of C language even today. C language is taught before learning any other programming language. Because all the programming languages ​​(C ++, Java, PHP, C # etc) came after C language, they have somehow adopted C's syntax.

  • Versions of C language :
    • C is the most commonly used programming language of the time. It was developed in the 1970s.
    • C has been standardized until 1989 by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and since then by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

  • Versions (standards) of C language.

    • K & R :- This was the original C language version published by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie.
    • The first standard of C89 - C was published in 1989 by ANSI. It is known as ANSI C and C89.
    • C99 - A new standard of C was published by ISO in 1999. Some new built in data types, keywords, header files and libraries were added to it.
    • C11 - Another standard of C was published by ISO in 2007. New features such as type generic macros, anonymous structures and multithreading were added.
  • C11 is the most recent version in the list of versions above.

  • Features of C language : The reason for the popularity of C language is its features. These features make C language unique and powerful.
    • Structured : C is a structured programming language. In C, a program is created as small modules, called functions. By doing this, the programs are easy to manage and debug and the big problem can also be solved easily.
    • Small : C provides 32 reserved keywords. These keywords provide programmer control over the language. By understanding the use of these keywords, you can do programming in C language.
    • Middle level : C is a middle level language. C is able to create both high level (very close to software) and low level (very close to hardware) applications. This feature of C language is an advantage for programmers who want to create applications of both low and high levels. This feature makes C language flexible.
    • Fast : C language is considered the fastest language after assembly language. It is also sometimes called low level language. C language is close to hardware. So it is faster than other programming languages. Processing of applications created in C language is fast.
    • Case sensitive : C is a case sensitive language. In case sensitive programming languages ​​the capital and small variants of a letter are treated differently. This makes it easier for programmers to create identifiers.
    • Extendable : C is an extendable programming language. You can add your own libraries to C programs and use them.

  • Usage of C language : C language is used to create all types of applications from high level to low level.
    • Operating Systems : Operating systems can be created by C language. Most operating systems are built in C language. Operating systems such as unix, windows etc. have been created in C language itself.
    • Compilers : Compilers are required to compile any new programming language. Compilers are also created in C language. For example, java compiler javac is also built in C language.
    • Assemblers : Many types of assemblers are also created in C language. Assemblers convert basic instructions to bits.
    • Text Editors : Text editors can also be created by C language. Like gedit etc.
    • Network drivers : Network drivers can also be created by C language.
    • Database Management Systems : Database management systems are also created in C language. As such the Oracle database is written in C language itself.

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