Data Types in C - TGN


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Friday, November 29, 2019

Data Types in C

Data Types in C

To decide how much memory is allocate for that particular variable and which operation should be performed is depend on a Data Types.

To decide how much memory is allocate for that particular variable and which operation should be performed is depend on a Data Types.

Classification Of Data Types:-

1. Basic/ Primitive/ Predefined data types
2.Derived data types
3. User defined data types

I. Basic/ Primitive/ Predefined Data Types:-
  • Data types which are already declared or defined by a language designer is known as Basic/ Primitive/ Predefined data types.
  • Following are the basic data types:
  1. integer(int)
  2. character(char)
  3. single point precision(float)
  4. double point precision(double)
  5. No value available(void)
II. Derived Data Types:-
  • Derived data types do not create or declare a new data type.
  • They add some functionality to the basic data types.
  • Following are the derived data types.
  1. Array:-    e.g.: char [ ], int [ ], etc.
  2. Pointer:-    e.g.: char*, int*, etc.
  3. Function:-    e.g.: int(int, int), float(int) etc.
III.User Defined data Types:-
  • Data types which are defined or declared by a user itself is known as user defined data types.
  • Following are the user defined data types:
  1. Structure(struct)
  2. Union(union)
  3. Enumeration(enum)
So these are various data types. Further we are going to learn more about particular data types.

Data Type Qualifier :-

  • They are used to indicate the special properties of data within an object.
  • There are two types:-
  1.  const qualifier:- Declaring an object or variable const indicates that its value will not be changed throughout the program.
  2. volatile qualifier:- Declaring an object or variable volatile indicates that the value of the variable may change at any time throughout the program.

Data Type Modifier:-

  • The type modifier modifies or change the range and the arithmetic properties of basic data type.
  • There are four Data Type Modifiers:-
  1. signed int:- It is used to store magnitude of a variable. In case of signed integer, out of 32 bits, we can use 31 bits.
  2. unsigned int:- In case of unsigned modifier, user can use all 32 bits.By default, unsigned modifier is assigned by the compiler.
  3. short int:-short modifier modifies the size of a variable.
  4. long int:-long modifier modifies the size of a variable.By default, long modifier is assigned by a compiler.


signed int i;        //last bit is used to store magnitude
unsigned int i;   //all 32 bits we can use
short int i;        //size will be modified. size of (i)=2 bytes.

long int i;        //size of (i)=4 bytes

Data types and its memory storage and ranges in C

  • Each data type has different memory requirement and perform specific operations accordingly.
  • The memory of Data types may vary(i.e. change) from compiler to compiler.
  • Also the Ranges of data types may also vary from compiler to compiler.
  • Ranges defines that upto which number the data types can stored values.

So here we have listed the Data types and their memory requirement and their ranges in C language. They are as follows:-   

Sr. No 
Data Types 
Turbo C 
MS Visual Studio 

1 Byte 
-128 to 127 
1 Byte 
-128 to 127 
2 Bytes 
-32768 to 32767 
4 Bytes 
-2147783648 to 2147483647 
4 Bytes 
3.4* 10-38 to 3.4*1038 
4 Bytes 
3.4* 10-38 to 3.4*1038 
8 Bytes 
1.7*10-308 to 1.7*10308 
8 Bytes 
1.7*10-308 to 1.7*10308 
Signed char 
2 Bytes 
-128 to 127 
1 Byte 
-128 to 127 
Signed int 
1 Byte 
-32768 to 32767 
4 Bytes 
-2147483648 to 2147483647 
Unsigned char 
1 Byte 
0 to 255 
1 Byte 
0 to 255 
Unsigned int 
2 Byte 
0 to 65535 
4 Bytes 
Short int 
2 Bytes 
-32768 to 32767 
2 Bytes 
-32768 to 32767 
Long int 
4 Bytes 
4 Bytes 
Long float 
8 Bytes 
8 Bytes 
Long double 
10 Bytes 
3.4*10-4932 to 1.1*104932 
8 Bytes 
1.7*10-308 to 1.7*10308 
Object of void type cannot be created 

Let us see an example for a size of an integer and its range.

#include <stdio.h>int main()
     int a = 1;
   printf("value is %d and size is %lu bytes \n", a,sizeof(int)); //%d indicates an integer and                                                                                                                  //%lu indicates unsigned int
     return 0;


To check the size (i.e. memory requirement) of variable of any of the data types, "sizeof( data_type)" is used.


If you have any query, please let me know
