Access Specifier in C++ - TGN


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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Access Specifier in C++

Access Specifiers In C++

The access specifier refers to accessibility of the variable in a class . Depending upon the type of access specifier , the accessibility of a variable is decided.

  •  In object oriented programming , access specifiers are used .The access specifier refers to accessibility of the variable in a class . Depending upon the type of access specifier , the accessibility of a variable is decided.

     There are three types of access specifier in C++.
  • Public access specifier.
  • Private access specifier.
  • Protected access specifier.

  • Public Access Specifier :
    • When public access specifier is written before a variable , then the variable can be publicly accessed i.e the variable can be accessed inside the class as well as outside the class.

using namespace std;
class demo
       public:int i;//local variable of class
       public:void fun()//function of class
int main()
       demo obj;//object of class


    •  In above example ,' int i ' is the variable and ' fun() ' is the function of class demo and it is accessible in the entire program due to the public access specifier.  

  • Private Access Specifier :
    • When private access specifier is written before class members ( variables and functions ) ,then the class members become private and thus,they can be accessed only inside the class.

using namespace std;
class demo
       private:int i;//local variable of class
       private:void fun()//function of class
};//end of class
int main()
       demo obj;//object of class


    • In above example , local variable ' int i ' and function ' fun() ' are having private access specifier , so it cannot be accessed outside the class.

Note:-When the class members have no access specifier , then they are private by default.

  •  Protected Access Specifier : 
    • When protected access specifier is used , the class members can be accessed inside the same class as well as in a derived class , But it cannot be accessed publicly.

using namespace std;
class demo
       protected:int i;//local variable of class
       protected:void fun()//function of class
};//end of class
int main()
       demo obj;//object of class

    • In above example , local variable ' int i ' and function ' fun() ' are having protected access specifier , so it cannot be accessed outside the class.


If you have any query, please let me know
